joi, 20 septembrie 2012

Removing Articles word from articles in Joomla 2.5


Around line 166 is:

   if ($menu)
         $this->params->def('page_heading', $this->params->get('page_title', $menu->title));
       $this->params->def('page_heading', JText::_('JGLOBAL_ARTICLES'));

just comment line:

 $this->params->def('page_heading', JText::_('JGLOBAL_ARTICLES'));

And its done :)

luni, 2 iulie 2012

Unwanted Links in templates

Link-uri in template-ul  it_university, in pagina de print preview.

There is a image for reference:

If anyone can help me to remove that it will be great.
It's maybe a ads in your templates?

What do you have to templates?
You're probably using a free template or a free extension with back link. Those links are base64 encoded, that's why you can't find them. Search in your template dir for something like base64_decode("....")
duyet wrote:
You're probably using a free template or a free extension with back link. Those links are base64 encoded, that's why you can't find them. Search in your template dir for something like base64_decode("....")

Thank you verry much. I found that:

echo base64_decode($pml);?>

in: .../template/html/com_content/article/default.php

Thank you verry much again :pop

vineri, 6 aprilie 2012

Adaugare module noi la IT University Template

Poate merge si la altele

n order to add a new module position in your template you have to:
1-Open the index.php file of the Template you wish to edit
Locate the place in the Template where you wish to put the new position.
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="newposition" />

2-Open the Template's TemplateDetails.xml file and locate the
<positions></positions> Start and end tags

Then add:

The logo is added as a module through the module manager. So create a new html module and add only the logo image there. Then position the modoule on the "logo" position.

Acum se va traduce modulul cel nou folosind calea de traducere uzuala - Falang sau Joomfish. Se va edita main page html din template pentru a se scoate codul in plus - in cazul meu logo-ul original

joi, 5 aprilie 2012

Ascundere cuvant Subcategories la listarea acestora

Pentru asta se umbla in css-ul template-ului si se adauga aceste randuri
CSS: h3 {

Atentie! Daca este un site multilanguage se vor rescrie css-urile corespunzatoare limbilor!

Vizualizarea modulelor in template-uri in Joomla 2.5

Select Template Manager from the Extensions menu:
Click on the Options icon:

(4) Click on the Enabled button of the Preview Module Positions entry.Then click on Save or Save & Close to save the change.

(5) Observe that module positions are now visible on your Joomla! pages when you append ?tp=1 to the end of your URL:

When you are done examining module positions, remember to set Preview Module Positions to Disabled.

miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

how to remove Joomla FaLang (JoomFish) copyright link


Falang version: 1.1.1

File Location: {joomlaroot}/administrator/components/com_falang/classes/FalangManager.class.php

Line #: 464

Replace following line
$cacheBuf2 = 'PGRpdj48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZhYm9iYS5jb20iIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LXNpemU6IDhw'.

with this
$cacheBuf2 = '';

latst version
In the file "FalangManager.class.php", go to line 468
and in line 471, give the property "none" to "display":
 $cacheBuf2 =
        '<div><a title="Faboba : Cr&eacute;ation de composant'.
        'Joomla" style="font-size: 8px;; visibility: visible;'.
        'display:none;" href="http://www.faboba'.
        '.com" target="_blank">FaLang tra'.
        'nslation syste'.
        'm by Faboba</a></div>';

and the copyright (a little bit too much intrusive) disappears.

Pentru Falang 1.2
The the copyright is located into {root}/plugins/system/falangdriver/falangdriver.php on line 61.
se sterge continutul si gata!.

marți, 3 aprilie 2012

Joomla 2.5 - Ascundere titlu articol

Desi pare usor, articolele din main menu mai au nevoie de o setare

Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item -

Article Options


vineri, 30 martie 2012

Setare trimitere e-mail in Joomla cu SMTP

Dacă nu merge sendmailul pe server, putem folosi un server extern. Pentru asta, setăm mail settings in modulul de Global Configuration -> Server către SMTP. Setările pentru Joomla 2.5 sunt cele din poza următoare:

Ordonare featured articles in Joomla 2.5

Pentru a modifica ordinea articolelor pe prima pagina, trebuie mai intai să ordonăm tabelul după ORDERING. Apoi putem modifica acest lucru.

Reparare computer cu Deepfreeze - rebooting Loop


1. Insert the Recovery/Install DVD into the computer
2. Boot off of the DVD. When you first start your computer, the first screen you see should give you the key combination to press to enter a 'multi-boot' menu. On Dell's this key is F12 but it varries by each manufacturer. Once you find it and are at the multiboot menu, choose to boot of CD/DVD
3. When prompted (after it has booted to the CD/DVD) choose "repair my computer" and enter the command prompt
4. Type C: (with colon) and press enter
5. Then type cd c:\windows\winsxs and press enter
6. Then type del pending.xml and press enter
7. Restart your computer