Poate merge si la altele
n order to add a new module position in your template you have to:
1-Open the index.php file of the Template you wish to edit
Locate the place in the Template where you wish to put the new position.
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="newposition" />
2-Open the Template's TemplateDetails.xml file and locate the
<positions></positions> Start and end tags
Then add:
The logo is added as a module through the module manager. So create a
new html module and add only the logo image there. Then position the
modoule on the "logo" position.
Acum se va traduce modulul cel nou folosind calea de traducere uzuala - Falang sau Joomfish. Se va edita main page html din template pentru a se scoate codul in plus - in cazul meu logo-ul original
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