Poate merge si la altele
n order to add a new module position in your template you have to:
1-Open the index.php file of the Template you wish to edit
Locate the place in the Template where you wish to put the new position.
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="newposition" />
2-Open the Template's TemplateDetails.xml file and locate the
<positions></positions> Start and end tags
Then add:
The logo is added as a module through the module manager. So create a
new html module and add only the logo image there. Then position the
modoule on the "logo" position.
Acum se va traduce modulul cel nou folosind calea de traducere uzuala - Falang sau Joomfish. Se va edita main page html din template pentru a se scoate codul in plus - in cazul meu logo-ul original
vineri, 6 aprilie 2012
joi, 5 aprilie 2012
Ascundere cuvant Subcategories la listarea acestora
Pentru asta se umbla in css-ul template-ului si se adauga aceste randuri
Atentie! Daca este un site multilanguage se vor rescrie css-urile corespunzatoare limbilor!
div.cat-children h3 {
div.cat-children h3 {
Atentie! Daca este un site multilanguage se vor rescrie css-urile corespunzatoare limbilor!
Vizualizarea modulelor in template-uri in Joomla 2.5
Select Template Manager from the Extensions menu:
Click on the Options icon:
(4) Click on the Enabled button of the Preview Module Positions entry.Then click on Save or Save & Close to save the change.
(5) Observe that module positions are now visible on your Joomla! pages when you append ?tp=1 to the end of your URL:
Click on the Options icon:
(4) Click on the Enabled button of the Preview Module Positions entry.Then click on Save or Save & Close to save the change.
(5) Observe that module positions are now visible on your Joomla! pages when you append ?tp=1 to the end of your URL:
When you are done examining module positions, remember to set Preview Module Positions to Disabled.
miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012
how to remove Joomla FaLang (JoomFish) copyright link
Falang version: 1.1.1
File Location: {joomlaroot}/administrator/components/com_falang/classes/FalangManager.class.php
Line #: 464
Replace following line
$cacheBuf2 = 'PGRpdj48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZhYm9iYS5jb20iIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LXNpemU6IDhw'.
with this
$cacheBuf2 = '';
latst version
In the file "FalangManager.class.php", go to line 468
and in line 471, give the property "none" to "display":
and the copyright (a little bit too much intrusive) disappears.
Pentru Falang 1.2
The the copyright is located into {root}/plugins/system/falangdriver/falangdriver.php on line 61.
se sterge continutul si gata!.
Falang version: 1.1.1
File Location: {joomlaroot}/administrator/components/com_falang/classes/FalangManager.class.php
Line #: 464
Replace following line
$cacheBuf2 = 'PGRpdj48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZhYm9iYS5jb20iIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LXNpemU6IDhw'.
with this
$cacheBuf2 = '';
latst version
In the file "FalangManager.class.php", go to line 468
and in line 471, give the property "none" to "display":
$cacheBuf2 =
'<div><a title="Faboba : Création de composant'.
'Joomla" style="font-size: 8px;; visibility: visible;'.
'display:none;" href="http://www.faboba'.
'.com" target="_blank">FaLang tra'.
'nslation syste'.
'm by Faboba</a></div>';
'<div><a title="Faboba : Création de composant'.
'Joomla" style="font-size: 8px;; visibility: visible;'.
'display:none;" href="http://www.faboba'.
'.com" target="_blank">FaLang tra'.
'nslation syste'.
'm by Faboba</a></div>';
and the copyright (a little bit too much intrusive) disappears.
Pentru Falang 1.2
The the copyright is located into {root}/plugins/system/falangdriver/falangdriver.php on line 61.
se sterge continutul si gata!.
marți, 3 aprilie 2012
Joomla 2.5 - Ascundere titlu articol
Desi pare usor, articolele din main menu mai au nevoie de o setare
Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item -
Article Options
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